Friday 28 September 2012

Recipe: Fluffy American Pancakes!

2 Cups(475mL) Plain Flour
2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
1 Teaspoon Bicarbonate of Soda
1/3 Cup(80mL) Sugar
2 Eggs
80g Melted Unsalted Butter
1 1/4 Cups(310mL) Milk

Toppings/Fillings of your choice! Scroll down for yummy options!

*Makes 8-9 medium sized pancakes*

What to do:
1. Add the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda & sugar to a mixing bowl. Mix well.
2. In the same bowl, add the eggs. Mix well. Add the butter. Mix well. Add milk. Mix!
3. Make sure frying pan(mine is non-stick, add butter/oil/grease to the pan if yours is not) is preheated on a low setting. To cook your  pancakes put the pan onto a medium setting. The faster the bottom of the pancake cooks (not burns!) the easier it will be to flip! Remember since you're flipping your pancakes do not make them large like in the films! Keep your pancakes about the size of the flat end of your spatula. Don't flip your pancake until the bottom has a bit of color on it, preferably light to a medium brown.
For an added crispiness on the pancake edges(just like my grandma makes!) add butter to the pan before adding your batter for EACH pancake.
See picture below: it looks "swirly" because its crispy, if you don't wish to add butter to the pan the pancake will be all one color.
4. Make sure the more pancakes you cook, the hotter the pan may get so you will have to lower the heat setting the more you cook them so they don't burn.
5. Have yummy pancakes yet?! EAT THEM!
Freshly flipped pancake with crispy edges! Mmm!
Maple Syrup (Diner style baby!)
Lemon Juice with Sprinkled Granulated Sugar (Just like crepes!)
Sifted Powder Sugar

Grated Apple- grate & mix into your batter!
Blueberries- make sure you FOLD them into the batter so they don't burst & turn your batter purple!
Chocolate Chips- England is a bit crap when it comes to chocolate chips, so the best (& most economical) is to break apart a chocolate bar. Your choice. Store brand or a Cadburys, its up to you! Add your batter to the pan first, let the bottom cook & then flip your pancakes. Since the bottom of your pancake is cooked, now you can add your chocolate chips. Place them delicately into your pancake. Adding your chocolate "chips" selectively this way will leave less chocolate mess on your pan.
Adding leftover Galaxy to my pancakes!
Can't eat all these yummy pancakes by yourself? Why not save them? Wrap the remainder pancakes in cling film & put them in the fridge. They last about 3 days & to reheat just pop them in the microwave for 45 seconds per pancake.

These are the perfect pin-up pancakes! Why not use them as a prop for your photo shoot? Everyone loves a short stack! Bon appetite!

Shimmy, Shakes & Cup Cakes,
Georgia Honey xx
Chocolate chip pancakes dusted with powder sugar!

Thursday 20 September 2012

A Burly Girl & Her Package... ing!

Last Friday was the return of The Cherry Pop Affair burlesque show in York! Yay! It is a great night featured fabulous performers and is fueled by Kitty Noir, Poppy Pout & myself. One of my duties for the show is the baked goods. Usually, in the past our cigarette girls strictly just sell cup cakes however this time decided to mix it up to not only save time in the kitchen but to give our show goers variety. I baked chocolate brownies, snickerdoodle cookies and of course the usual, vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting. The packaging of the cookies & brownies did not come easy. I couldn't find what I wanted so in the end I said, "To hell with it!" & decided to go high school bake sale style with a burly twist!

I wrapped them in cling film(saran wrap for my home countrywomen)  and then used some leftover* sequin trim to tie around them to burly them up a bit. The trim also coordinated all the baked goods together, as if simply being baked goods wasn't enough, it matched the edible glitter that adorned the chocolate frosting on the cup cakes. It was simple, cost next to nothing & looked pretty adorable.

Also by offering packaging for our goodies it gives the audience as well as the performers the chance to take a yummy piece of the show home with them! What edible creations do you sell at your own show and how do you package or present them for your audience to buy?

Shimmy, Shakes & Cup Cakes,
Georgia Honey xx

*When I say leftover trim, I mean leftover! It was trim that was meant to go on my senior prom dress- I keep EVERYTHING.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Fingers In Pies!

Well hello there!

For anyone that doesn't know me well enough, I have many fingers in pies! Not in an American Pie kind of way either. Basically, I do everything! I always have! From studying Latin for 6 years to singing solos in musicals, I'm no one trick pony. I'm not bragging because even though I do a lot, doesn't mean I'm the worlds best at it. What I am great at however is what I do professionally. As well as being a burlesque performer, I'm a freelance pole dance & fitness instructor. I also love food. I'm American, it's a requirement.
Photo by Millie Robson
Over the years whilst trying to pay rent or even just to foot the bills while trying to be self employed, I have worked in food establishments from a fast food franchise to actually working behind the line in a restaurant as a chef cooking steaks! I may not be the best cook in the world(I have a douche of an ex boyfriend who will be the first to tell you that!) but just like everything else I do I try hard. In fact my first ever burlesque performance involved me eating a cup cake! I should have seen it as a sign ;)
In this blog, I will combine all the good things about my life(burlesque! pole!) with my food experience into one delicious blog! I will share what I have learned so far as well as my experiences along the way! I work very hard at burlesque & pole and I hope this helps some other stripteasing ladies out out there who also love food... because every strippers gotta eat!
Photo by Jamie Simpson
Shimmy, Shakes & Cup Cakes,
Georgia Honey xx